To the White Lodge: David Lynch (1946 - 2025)
David Lynch by Martin Schoeller/Art + Commerce You reach a certain time of life and you recognize that we don’t go on forever. People we love and admire don’t live forever. That said, I hoped I’d never have to write the words “David Lynch has died” because, as with David Bowie, it just doesn’t seem possible that they could die. However, that kind of sentiment - if I genuinely believed it - would show a profound lack of understanding of the artists and their work. Both were clear-eyed visionaries who saw through the genteel fabric of lies of the constructed realities most people inhabit. Lynch, in particular, saw and felt the underbelly of the American Experience with its Howdy-Doody surfaces covering up a roiling morass of darkness. However, I don’t think Lynch necessarily saw evil as personal; I think he grasped that, if anything, the darker forces the we try to tamp down beneath the surface instead of working them out, are as impersonal as the thunder or lightning on a p...