
Showing posts from April, 2021

Goddamn! It’s Godzilla!

...and Kong! Appetizers I promised myself that I wasn’t going write anything about “Justice League: the Snyder Cut”. I’ve discussed it and aired too many complaints, bile, and snark from Facebook to High Heaven. However, I did realize that another kind of loud and stupid was drawing me. I am and have been since a wee child, a huge fan of Godzilla and his simian rival. I first saw the 1933 original while eating a TV dinner, being baby sat, if memory serves by my brother and his first wife. By this time, I had already seen the Universal monster classics (my mother was surprisingly supportive of my fascination with film in general and monster movies in particular) but “King Kong” was something else. It wasn’t just the stop-motion special effects that grabbed me. One of my first movie going experiences was a re-release of “Jason and the Argonauts” and I was convinced that stop-motion is the way we should all move. Okay, I wasn’t but gee whiz, that was a swell flick. But “Kong” was more. I