
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Overrated 8

And that’s what I think of your “great” movie! One of the benefits of maintaining this blog site is that I tend to write about what I choose to. If I wander into a film I don’t like, I can choose to not write about it. That isn’t to say that I go easy on what I do watch. But let’s face it, there are tons of movies out there that are awful in ways that cause the imagination to pale. Hell, there are a plethora of failures and miserable motion picture excrescence wherever you look. To be sure, I sometimes seek it out. But that’s not what this is about. What follows is a rundown of films that while I recognize that they’re not unskillfully executed or maybe even well-done by many people’s metrics, I ain’t impressed. These are movies that captured the public’s imagination and maybe had help from the media gods to do so. They had help from someone somewhere because almost all of these are universally (the whole universe? Really?) acclaimed.  OH sure, I’m supposed to say that this is all s