Short Takes: Polizebericht Überfall (1928): the overlooked Ernö Metzner
Film history is laden with figures who left their mark and of whom we know relatively little. Ernö Metzner we know a bit more of through his association with Pabst, Lang, Lubitsch, and others, as an outstanding art director. However, he also directed a number of films, one of which is a bonafide masterpiece. In Polizeibericht Überfall/Police Report: Assault, sometimes called The Accident , we have a work that presages both the gritty, hard realism of Lang’s M , along with the visual experimentation of, say, Hans Richter. Referred to as the “inaugural example of Strassefilm”, a genre popular in the Weimar period, it’s stunning for it’s gallows humor, violence, and pure cinematic narrative. There are no intertitles, for one thing, and the story that unfolds has the punch of a sick joke while also reminding the viewer, uncomfortably, of how quickly fortunes turn. Briefly, the fortunes that turn on finding a counterfeit Reich mark are two. The first man picks the...